Monday, November 16, 2009

1.“Now we know that people with disabilities can learn and have a full, rich life. The challenge is to erase negative attitudes about people with developmental disabilities, get rid of the stereotypes and break the barriers for people with disabilities. (Kingsley, 1996, p. 6)”

I absolutely love this quote. It shows that just because a person is disabled in anyway does not mean that they should be limited. By limiting people, you are showing them that they cannot do something; this can only hurt the person in the long run. It shows them that they are different. Why can they do it and I can’t? Judgment is a very big part of the problem. If someone has a disability and they feel as though they are being judged it will only discourage them to continue. No one wants to be judged before they actually do something. Who should be the one to tell someone they can’t? The answer is no one.

2. “So we must learn to work with others, and this holds true whether we ultimately are destined to lead a multinational computer Software firm, inspire a civil rights movement, raise caring children, bag groceries, or chat and feed squirrels with an old man on a park bench. We have got to learn to get along as individuals and as citizens.”

I think this quote really says a lot. It is not all about being with those that you feel comfortable with or who is most like you we all must learn to get along with everybody. Everybody is different in their own way, but different does not mean bad, or worse it just means different. People with disabilities and people without disabilities should get along just like people that have different backgrounds then each other, or different skin color. Our ability does not define who we are, it is merly a part of us, what shows in the outside. It’s what is on this inside that counts, what we can offer to others.

3. “He and fellow educators have substantiated this vision with detailed accounts of actual educational arenas where all students are welcomed, no voice is silenced, and children come to realize their own self-worth through the unconditional acceptance of one another.”

I chose this quote because of the line “children come to realize their own self-worth through unconditional acceptance of one another.” This line really says it all. School is a time in a person’s life where they develop friendships and identities. They find out who they are, and who they are to other people. It is such a crucial time in a person’s development. Sometimes this part of someone’s life is not the best experience; they are bullied, left out, called names etc. Each student should have equal opportunity in the classroom no matter who they are, disabled or not.


  1. I like how you pulled "Everybody is different in their own way, but different does not mean bad, or worse it just means different" out of the reading. I really like that sentence and couldnt agree with it more.

  2. I really like your first quote and I agree no one should be limited no matter what!

  3. “children come to realize their own self-worth through unconditional acceptance of one another.” This line really says it all.

    It really does... If we treat children with disabilities like they are abnormal or not "worth" as much as a "regular" person, it will only serve to augment the effects of the disability.
