Monday, November 16, 2009

1.“Now we know that people with disabilities can learn and have a full, rich life. The challenge is to erase negative attitudes about people with developmental disabilities, get rid of the stereotypes and break the barriers for people with disabilities. (Kingsley, 1996, p. 6)”

I absolutely love this quote. It shows that just because a person is disabled in anyway does not mean that they should be limited. By limiting people, you are showing them that they cannot do something; this can only hurt the person in the long run. It shows them that they are different. Why can they do it and I can’t? Judgment is a very big part of the problem. If someone has a disability and they feel as though they are being judged it will only discourage them to continue. No one wants to be judged before they actually do something. Who should be the one to tell someone they can’t? The answer is no one.

2. “So we must learn to work with others, and this holds true whether we ultimately are destined to lead a multinational computer Software firm, inspire a civil rights movement, raise caring children, bag groceries, or chat and feed squirrels with an old man on a park bench. We have got to learn to get along as individuals and as citizens.”

I think this quote really says a lot. It is not all about being with those that you feel comfortable with or who is most like you we all must learn to get along with everybody. Everybody is different in their own way, but different does not mean bad, or worse it just means different. People with disabilities and people without disabilities should get along just like people that have different backgrounds then each other, or different skin color. Our ability does not define who we are, it is merly a part of us, what shows in the outside. It’s what is on this inside that counts, what we can offer to others.

3. “He and fellow educators have substantiated this vision with detailed accounts of actual educational arenas where all students are welcomed, no voice is silenced, and children come to realize their own self-worth through the unconditional acceptance of one another.”

I chose this quote because of the line “children come to realize their own self-worth through unconditional acceptance of one another.” This line really says it all. School is a time in a person’s life where they develop friendships and identities. They find out who they are, and who they are to other people. It is such a crucial time in a person’s development. Sometimes this part of someone’s life is not the best experience; they are bullied, left out, called names etc. Each student should have equal opportunity in the classroom no matter who they are, disabled or not.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Frst of all I want to say that i really enjoyed the conference .I was unsure how I would feel about it given the day and time we had to be there. but I actually really enjoyed it. My first workshop was a little boring but my second was very interesting and very helpful. the key speaker, Tricia Rose was amazingI loved the way she spoke. She made connections to johnson and carlson when she talked about the "gay computer" incident.
my second workshop was my favorite workshop. It consisted of three teachers from different schools talking about case studies that they did on their students for example one teacher talked about two students she had that had behavioral issues. She then decided to chart their progress when trying different techniques to help that stdent have a better class day and a better year all together. At the end of the study she realized that his grades and behavioral issues improved greatl. however the other student did not improve but stayed the same. The last teacher that presented talked about her special eduction classroom. her students were mild to server special education students. her story was very touching. she had pictures on her powerpoint that were so sweet I felt very connected to what she was saying because i saw pictures. her case study was trying to get regular ed students get involved with her studentsand hopefully form friendships. she would ask the regular ed's teachers if their students have free tme to come work with her students. They would come in about once a week and bake, play games, etc. You could tell that she was very proud of what she was doing but not only that but she loved what she did. I have to say that Iwas very inspired.
talking about inclusion in the classroom
i thought that this was very interesting "to be fair we have to treat them different"

Monday, November 9, 2009

talking points # 8

1. "The teachers rarely explain why the work is being assigned, how it might connect to other assignments, or what the idea that lies behind the procedureor gives it coherence and perhaps meaning or significance."

This is wat she says happens happens in the working class school. I really do not understand why the working class schools have teachers that seem to be not doing there job the best they can, as if they are slacking.I do understand he issue with not having enough materials such as textbooks but I do not understand why the teachers should not give there students 100% so that they will learn something from the lesson they are teacher other than telling them they just need practice, and perhaps not realizing that they arre not understanding it because of how it was taught to them.

2. "Now draw a line this point a girl said that she had a faster way to do it and the teacher said 'no, you dont, you dont even know what i am making yet. do it this way or its wrong'"

This to me does not seem right. if a student has an idea the teacher should explore it. This way you can have the students get involved more, and you are invited students to use their minds and exercise their ideas. But by setting the student down like that, the teacher just shows negativetly toward the situation and it make have an effect on that girl, making her not want to speak in fron tof the class again. also the other students see that the teacher is somewhat mean. instead she could have said something like... well lets try this way first, or sure lets see what you have.

3. "Work tasks do not usually request creativity. serious attention is rarely given in school work on how the children develope or express their own feelings and ideas, eitherlinguistically or in graphic form."

This somewhat bothers me I feel that creativity is very important in a young students education. I feel that it improves a child's all around learning. I feel that creativity should be involved in a student's day. And they should be able to express what they think and feel, kind of like the second quote I chose.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This video I thought was very interesting because it dealt with the stereotypes of boy and girls in schools for example: "males are less likely to go to college. It discusses the biases that teacher have for the female and male students. then it goes into research about the brain. Here it says that research shows that boys are falling behind. According to this boys have lower reading and writing. I thought it was also very interesting when it said that boys and girls brains are set uop different!

This next video is very different. this video is about an elementary school in Green Bay that has same sex classrooms, so even though it is a coed school the classrooms are seperated. I have never heard of this technique and apparently it makes for better test scores. however I feel that this can not be good in the long run. at this age however boys and girls have "cooties". So I'm guessing that because they are seperated there is less arguments that would arrive from these type of things. "when your in a girl's class you can just be yourself and do anything."girl student from the video. Some parents have trouble with this way of teacher, i think i might as well. I not really sure how I feel about it. Yes they get to interact during lunch and possibly recess, but is that enough. What if a girl student is more comfortable around boys, not all girl students get along with girls,a nd same goes for boy students.